You kids, with your Tweeters and your Bookfaces…

After much resistance, I’ve finally given in…Yes, is now on the Twitters.

I know, you’re thrilled. Still, I wouldn’t expect to get hourly updates on my bathroom habits, or tweets like, “just ate peanut butter & pickle sandwich. lol #nastysandwich.”

What other reason would one possibly have to join Twitter, you ask? Well simply to give an option to those visitors who want to stay up to date with the site, but don’t use RSS feeds. The Twitter account will be automatically updated whenever there is a new blog post, theater addition, or review—just like the RSS feed. I’m sure I’ll eventually ease into it and start posting about random skin rashes, cliche sayings I think are profound, and cats—just like everyone else…

So, go ahead and follow us on Twitter…ugh, I feel dirty already.

This site has now stepped boldly into 2008. But don’t expect a Facebook page to follow…


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