
The amount of time and effort required to create and maintain a website of this nature would likely boggle your mind. Truth be told, we don’t even come close to breaking even around here, and that’s before you factor in the time element.

While this site truly is a labor of love, expenses are a very real concern. So if you enjoy what we do here, please consider donating a few dollars to The Realm. Every little bit helps us out and would be both greatly needed and greatly appreciated.

Donators will also, if they want, have their name and/or website mentioned on the blog. So, what are you waiting for? Help out a scrappy little website! Impress your friends! Achieve immortality! Donate today!

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Spread the Word – Tell your friends about It’s really that simple. If you know someone that you think would enjoy this site, tell ’em about it.

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Buy Stuff – Buy your bad movie DVDs through our store, or through the links at the top right of every review. receives a (very) small percentage of every item sold, so purchasing through this site will help us pay for expenses. If you are interested, here’s our link: