If you’re like me, and I know I am (not my joke, but still damn funny), the concept of a comic strip focused entirely on bad movies tickles you in a very inappropriate place.
Well, if you like your inappropriate places tickled (in a humorous, non-sexual way, of course), do yourself a favor and check out illustrator, bad movie lover, and friend of BadMovieRealm.com, James A. Robinson’s JARHUMOR.com.
Mr. Robinson has been cranking out his Bad Movie Comics for years (and large heapings of shame on me for waiting so damn long to mention him on this site). Here’s just a small sampling of what you’ll find on his site:

In addition to comics, you can also find many different t-shirts featuring JARHUMOR designs. I think my current favorite is The Monster That Made Me Crap My Pants:

So, go help a fellow b-movie lover out and check out JARHUMOR.com! Do it, or he’ll send out the Kitty Monster.

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